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What is Enwealth Pension Administration?

We are licensed by the retirement benefits authority to carry out fund administration services a mandate we take seriously and are very passionate about.

Structure of the Fund Administration.

We have within the fund administration, three departments and they are as follows:

  • Records & Data Management
  • Investment Accounting
  • Secretarial Legal & Compliance

Records & Data Management Services include:

  • Contributions crediting to the members accounts
  • Member contributions reconciliations
  • Income allocation to the members accounts
  • Issuance of member benefits statements
  • Computation of members benefits and pension payroll administration
  • Management of member relations for actives and non-actives
  • Keeping and updating nomination of beneficiary’s records
  • Management of members annual general meeting
  • Annuity options advice for members leaving the scheme at retirement
  • Scheme cash flow management in liaison with the fund manager
  • Maintaining the scheme books of accounts
  • Reconciliations with bank accounts and reports from service providers

Secretarial Legal & Compliance Management Services include:

  • Scheme compliance management
  • Review of scheme trust deed and rules
  • Management of compliance of service providers agreements
  • Submission of periodic returns to regulatory authorities
  • Computation of members benefits and pension payroll administration
  • Preparation of BOT notice and agenda