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What is Enwealth Personal Pension

This is a long-term investment product that allows individuals to contribute to build up their retirement fund. It is one of the most secure form of savings.
A pension plan is a tax-exempt retirement plan that allows individuals make contributions into a pool of funds set aside for future benefit.

Struture of the Fund.

In line with URBRA regulations, Enwealth Personal Pension has appointed service providers to provide safe custody of funds, investment of funds and corporate trustee services.

The appointed service providers are as following:

  • Corporate Trustee
  • Scheme Custodian
  • Fund Manager
  • Administrator

How it works

  • Members Join by completing an application form and attaching a copy of their national identity card plus passport size photograph
  • Enwealth Financial Services Limited shall issue a deed of adherence to each member of the scheme. Contributions from members are remitted to the scheme’s custodian.
  • Enwealth Financial Services Ltd shall be issuing each member monthly statements.
  • Members receive periodic industry updates from Enwealth Financial Services Ltd

Registration & Governance of the Fund

  • The scheme is Licensed and regulated by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority.
  • The scheme is established as a trust and as a separate legal entity by the founding company Enwealth Financial Services Limited.
  • The scheme assets are held by the appointed custodian (Bank) and separated from the assets of any organization thus enhancing the security of your retirement ‘nest egg’.
  • Investments are done by the appointed fund manager who is licensed by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA). Investments are guided by an IPS
  • The scheme has an appointed Corporate Trustee who is independent from Enwealth Financial Services Ltd and watches over the operations of the scheme on behalf of the members

Benefits of Enwealth Personal Pension

  • Member benefits are exempted from tax on withdrawal.
  • You can transfer in your benefits from other schemes at no cost.
  • Enjoy un-matching expertise on investments management to optimize income on your savings.
  • Enjoy periodic updates on your savings and changes in regulations.
  • Obtain expert advice on your retirement planning.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?

Complete an application form and attach a copy of your national identity card plus passport size photograph. You may email signed copies and identification documents to

A deed of adherence shall then be issued to you by Enwealth Team

Share a copy of the joining form

How do I pay contributions?

You can pay your contributions by Airtel Money (Paybill number 1144555), use your name as the reference), Cheque in favor of Enwealth Uganda Umbrella Retirement Scheme, Salary-stop order or bankers standing order. You can make contributions of any amount as and when you wish.

Contribution remittances history can be viewed through Enwealth online portal or Enwealth Mobile Application.

How safe are my retirement benefits?

  • Scheme is registered and regulated by the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA)
  • It is established as a trust and is a separate legal entity from the founding company
  • The scheme assets are held by the appointed custodian in a nominees account and separated from the assets of the founding company
  • Corporate Trustee who is independent and watches over the operations of the scheme on behalf of members

Where are the funds invested?

Scheme funds are invested in accordance to the requirements of the Uganda Retirement Benefits Act and the scheme investment policy statement with the objective of achieving long term returns within acceptable risk levels.

What are the benefits of joining Enwealth Personal Pension Scheme?

  • Member benefits are exempted from tax on withdrawal.
  • Excellence in client service
  • Qualified and experienced staff
  • Product Innovation
  • Shared market experience
  • You can transfer-in your benefits from other schemes at no cost.
  • Monthly update on the member’s benefits

How do I transfer benefits from my former employer to Enwealth Personal Pension Scheme?

You are required to officially write to your former Employer’s pension scheme Trustees authorizing the transfer. Our team would be glad to email you sample transfer letter. Kindly contact us on

How do I make contributions to my account?

Bank Payment

Bank of Africa (U) Ltd

Account Name : Enwealth Uganda Umbrella Retirement Scheme
Account No (UGX) : 01450590009
Account No (USD) : 01450590012
Branch Name : Main Branch

Airtel Money Payment

Dial *185*4*9#
Business Number – enter 1144555
Enter the amount
Reference – enter your names
Confirmation Message
Enter PIN

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